Das White Horse Theater besucht die GMS!

Report on the White Horse Theatre


On 17 November 2023, we, the 7th, 9th and 10th graders of GMS Oberes Wiesental, were visited by the White Horse Theatre. The White Horse Theatre is an English-speaking theatre tour that already performed at our school last year.

This year the theatre acted out a funny and entertaining story. They wanted to show the students how important it is to accept oneself.

There were three main characters in the play, each of whom had their own problems. You could clearly see how difficult it was for the characters to accept themselves. Eventually, all three fell asleep and dreamed of a world in which their problems were solved. They were super smart and desired by others. But after they woke up again, the three realised that they didn't want to be like that. They felt more comfortable the way they were. They may not have been perfect, but nobody has to be.

The theatre lasted about an hour and was a lot of fun for the students. Not least because they were repeatedly involved in the story themselves.

After the performance, the students were given the chance to ask questions to the actors, in English of course.

It was a very nice and enjoyable experience and we would like to thank the White Horse Theatre for this performance.